History and administrative structure
The Decree Law 5/77 provides that the Board of Directors of the CDR must be composed of a maximum of twelve members, four of whom were appointed full time for five years and form the Bureau of the CDR, while part-time members were appointed for three years. These arrangements have been applied at first but, with the change of regime, a new decree instituted a Board of six directors of departments, all appointed every five years: the presidency, projects, programs, finances, legal and administrative matters as well as technology. They held the office until late 1990, despite the lack of a president and the government duality, at which date the government had again appointed a Board of twelve members in accordance with Decree Law 5/77. It is on this basis that CDR management continues, although the number of part-time members of the Board of Directors has changed over the years: today, for example, in addition to the officers, only three part-time members complete the Board of Directors. Since January 1991, a delegate of the government, having powers of control and specific prerogatives, seconds the Board of Directors and attends its meetings.
The staff, at the same time, technical and logistic, was recruited especially on the criteria of competence and experience. Being very few at the beginning, the personnel had been expanded over the years to fill the posts foreseen in the organization chart, which has also undergone several amendments, according to the needs. Today, in addition to the presidential bureau, members of the Board of Directors and the Delegate of the Government, the CDR has six principal administrations: planning and programming, projects, fund raising projects, finance, legal and administrative matters. Each of these administrations consists of several departments. Between specialists (engineers, economists, financiers, jurists, etc.) and support staff (secretaries, drivers, messengers, etc.), the CDR has nearly two hundred and fifty employees; in addition, a recruitment campaign has been launched recently through the Council of the Public Function to fill the remaining vacant posts.