Studies for Closure and Rehabilitation of Bar Elias Dumpsite

Bar Elias dumpsite was established more than 30 years ago to manage the solid waste generated by the Municipality of Bar Elias and occasionally some of the neighbouring municipalities. According to the "Updated Master Plan for the Closure and Rehabilitation of Uncontrolled Dumpsites Throughout the Country of Lebanon" dated 2017, Bar Elias Dumpsite was ranked number 10 amongst the most critical dumpsites in Lebanon and second within Bekaa Valley, after Qabb Elias dumpsite.
Project Objectives:
  • Conduct a detailed topographic survey and provide a detailed quantification of the amount of waste;
  • Conduct a material characterization of the waste within the dumpsite;
  • Assess potential closure and rehabilitation methods in collaboration with MoE and CDR taking into consideration social, environmental and technical factors;
  • Prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the rehabilitation of the dumpsite
  •  Prepare the technical design and bidding documents for the rehabilitation of the dumpsite
Project Documents: